If you have suggestions or ideas don't wait posting it. Please just take you 5 minutes to test it yourself! Nothing can explain it better.

The same coding could be enhanced to implement more SSE specific features into Reshade - similar to ENB, but less performance hungry. Upcoming: There is a custom Reshade module available which provides seperate rendering of effects behind the UI, so DOF won't blur the inventory or other screens anymore. The links and informations are shown below at the installation instructions. There are two essential mods to be used with this in addition to create a nice setup featuring daytime- and interior/exterior seperation and subsurface scattering for skins. To improve the overall image I suggest to use mods like Obsidian Weathers, ELFX, etc. This preset is not supposed to change the overall look, but to bring out more details on textures and objects and also provide more depth thorugh the alpha parallax and ambient occlusion shaders, while keeping the vanilla performance. No color changes, just a little bit more power to lights, but subtile though.

Performance is always around 50-60 FPS everywhere (AMD FX-6300, Radeon RX480, 16 GB RAM) Mods used: Detailing Skyrim preset, Dynamic Display Settings, Subsurface Scattering Shader, Dynavision, Obsidian Weathers, ELFX + Enhancer, Veydosebrom Grasses, EVT, Majestic Mountains, and many more.

Thx to Marty McFly we got a new and better version of the Emboss shader that now greatly simulates Parallax Occlusion Mapping! Updating soon. ATTENTION! Please check the below section about the POM effect shader.